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Park Information

Fall View of PlaygroundView Donated in 1965 by Roscoe W. Smith, founder of the Orange & Rockland Utilities Company, the park has continually been fulfilling the stipulation made by the Smiths at the time, that it be used solely as a park.  Smith’s Clove Park has an extremely busy social calendar all year long.

The coordination of these events, plus the responsibility of maintaining the grounds and initiating improvements, is handled by the Monroe Joint Parks Recreation Commission (MJPRC). This commission consists of representatives from the town and village of Monroe; five from each, making a total of 10. The meetings, open to the public, are held at the Smith’s Clove Park Recreation Office on the fourth Monday of each month.

Smith’s Clove Park is made up 80 acres of developed and undeveloped land housing (3) pavilions, rest rooms, parking lots, a skate park, hiking trails, a fitness course, an illuminated football field, (2) minor and (1) illuminated major league baseball field, (3) illuminated basketball courts, (3) age specific playgrounds, (3) illuminated handball courts, (2) indoor racquetball courts, (2) illuminated tennis courts, (1) illuminated roller hockey rink, (1) illuminated softball field, a dog park, a volleyball court, a pond to skate, a hill to sleigh ride and a 2600 square foot recreation building complete with an activity room, a game room and a multi-purpose room.

YAC Staff Group PhotoView The most widely attended and most popular program the park provides is the summer youth activity camp, or YAC. The camp follows the guidelines as set forth by Orange County and New York State, and is a very inexpensive way to provide recreation to the children of Monroe. The six-week day camp starts up right after the July 4th holiday and runs through the second week of August and offers sport activities, arts & crafts, intramural events, special-theme days, and field trips. Extended hours are also available at a nominal fee.

We have added an afterschool program, daytime pre-school and weekend classes.  These new programs join an already full roster of events that include movies in the summer, a dance mixer for kids 9-12, basketball camp, baby-sitting classes and holiday traditions like the egg hunt, a Turkey Trot and the tree lighting.

Residents can obtain the lastest information from our facebook page, the “coming events” board just outside the park, and the local channel 22.

The MJPRC is always on the look out for trained instructors who can offer part-time programs.

“We have never lost sight of Mr. Smith’s request that the park be used for family recreation, and are always interested in new ideas and ways to improve the park.” – MJPRC